Better to Light One Candle

This site contains many of the peace oriented postings from We Are All Volunteers in This Army because that space has perforce migrated to deal more with military issues themselves than visions of peace.

Location: United States

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Naval Veteran's Response

Originally posted in January of 2005:

I received a response to my last week's post from a Naval veteran, Matt (last name withheld). Both the profound sadness and the hard learned wisdom of his letter made me realize I had to reprint it. Matt was kind enough to give me permission in the hope that it might help someone.
Matt's letter:

To All Concerned,

I can feel the pain of such a world tragedy as the current war, having served for six years in theNavy.

It breaks my heart that we haven't learned not to use destruction to reconstruct because out of the carnage of war comes suffering that takes lifetimes to heal from.

It's painfully hard to release the horror of death caused by your own hands. It's there every night when you go to sleep, and there in the subtle messages each day you wake.

Forgiveness is the only tool to help cope with it…Forgiveness for yourself, then atonement by creating good things for people to try and make up for your fear of acceptance. I can't even begin to explain the depth of this statement. I only wish that others would not have to feel it.

If countries could ever apologize for the hurt they cause, or even reach out and forgive another country for an act of aggression that would be so welcome. Countless soldiers would be released from some of their pain, even those who have crossed.

Death is only transformation, yet our actions will speak even when we are gone because of written words and memories.

There's so much our leaders have yet to discover in how to deal with soldiers that have crossed and ones that live. For one, they could forgive them and then apologize for sending them into death. When I say death, I mean hell. War is the hell we need to learn to get away from it.

The leaders, if they think of themselves as that, should know that the simple laws of truth are in play and that killing, destruction, and invasion are not worthy of repeating.

What we need to do is learn together that this earth and every living thing around it, upon it, within it, above it, below it, and everything in this universe and beyond, is sacred. It is us and drives us. Why do we still want to destroy ourselves instead of correcting our faults through patient remedy?

I cannot write what I have lived inside from my six years of being a part of an ignorant endeavor. When I say this, it is not against those who have served, it is more against the ignorance of thinking war is necessary.

It's hard to condemn anything but the ignorance of it. An ignorance that I was a part of and allowed to become a part of me.

Although I served in a time of peace, we never stopped using force and weaponry to exact a mission against others. Killing still went on, people died, and others suffered and continue to suffer by our combined actions.

I have tears as I write this still.

I've rededicated my life towards peace and helping others to realize the truth of peace.

You're right in saying it must stop and your ancestors have sent that to be heard. Please forgive them and love them for doing what they thought was right at the time. Send them peace and pray that they succeed in helping others stop.

We must forgive each other and I pray to be forgiven as well.

Life is a blessing that needs to be revered and loved and thankful for everyday.

Thank you for sharing your story. I wish you success in helping others to understand why peace is important and that war is the wrong solution.

Peace and love,

Matt A.


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